Live Bar, June 3 recently, veteran Goran Dragic said in a podcasting program that he wanted to end his career in the heat.
He said: “I live here and my children are here. Therefore, if I want to end my career, there is no doubt that Miami is my home. I have spent incredible seven years here. I love all the players here, all the people in the management, Coach Spo, coach Quine (Chris Quine). Those people gave me everything, this is my vision for my future, so why not?”
I was 37 years old in Goran Dragic and had played for 7 seasons in the heat before. I played for bulls and Bucks this season. I played 58 games in total, with an average of 6.3 points, 1.4 rebounds and 2.6 assists, after the end of this season, it is a complete free agent.